
Why a trailer?

Who is fit for a caravan tour

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  3. Why travel with a caravan in Israel?
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  • August 15, 2019

Why travel with a caravan in Israel?

Why travel with a caravan in Israel?

A caravan vacation allows you to have ultimate flexibility during your trip, see places off the beaten track and choose when and where to sleep without having to worry about booking a hotel or setting up a tent.

If you’re traveling with kids, they’ll love the novelty of sleeping in the caravan, and stepping outside into nature first thing in the morning (we bet you’ll enjoy it too!).

Who would enjoy traveling Israel with a caravan?

Um…everyone! Nature lovers, families, and friends that want to experience all the Israeli landmarks such as the Sea of Galilee, Western Wall, Masada, and the Dead Sea in the freedom and luxury of your own Caravan rental.

For Families

A caravan trip in Israel is the best way to travel because you take “your home” along the way with you.

This means you can travel the whole country (200 km wide and 500 km long) at your own pace and see all the places you want to visit.

Today in Israel you have more than 40 caravan parks throughout all of the country, and they are located at our most treasured landmarks and holy sites, such as the Sea of Galilee, Jerusalem, and Masada.

When you travel with a caravan, you do not have to worry about searching for hotels or finding transportation to get around.

Without those worries, you can have more time to enjoy the experience traveling in Israel. For example: One day you could cook dinner in the caravan after hiking up the Golan Heights, and then camp near Mount Hermon and light a bonfire with the kids. Another day you could visit the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, sleep in the desert and wake up early in the morning to climb Masada and watch the sun-rise over the Dead Sea. As for the kids… they will never forget this special Israel vacation with a Caravan – for sure!

To those who love home cooked meals and/or follow a Kosher diet

When you travel with a caravan in Israel, you are not dependent on restaurants. You have the freedom to cook the meals you want, when you want them. If you follow the guidelines of a Kosher diet, traveling with a caravan means you can have kosher dishes, buy kosher food at the supermarket and make your own home cooked meals.

Festivals in Israel

Coming to Israel for a special Festival?

Instead of searching for hotels, rent a caravan and towing car with us and drive to the festival yourself. Once you are at the location, you will be able to park where you want, and enjoy the freedom to sleep nearby.

As part of our service, you can choose to have pick-up and drop-off at the airport, child seats and much more. We recommend you take some extra days to travel around Israel before or after the festival to explore the country while you are here!

Not just for families with kids…

Once the kids are out of the house and exploring the world, you can have new experiences as well! A caravan vacation in Israel is perfect for couples as well. Let freedom lead you, and let the silence and tranquility of nature guide you, without the noise of children and grandchildren.

Want to Explore more?


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