
Perfect vacation tips

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  • August 15, 2019

Before going on vacation – what you should know

Before going on vacation – what you should know

Which trailer to choose?

Landscape Company offers you twelve different models of caravans.

Starting with caravans suitable for a couple and two small children, family of 5-7 persons, lightweight caravans for private cars and large and luxurious caravans Who likes to be pampered.

When choosing a caravan, pay close attention to the caravan model’s fit with the type of car you are traveling with, the number of people going on the trip and most importantly until How much you want to indulge.

Last-minute orders?

Not at all. A family outing experience requires planning, arranging before departure, planning your vacation with work and business, preparing the children and sharing them in the planning. We recommend contacting scenery company about three months before your vacation, find out options to book the right caravan for you, plan the itinerary, reserve space in the night camps and plan the vacation with the kids.

For the spontaneous among us, you can always try your luck and order at the last minute, the option exists but since the number of tools is limited, the order confirmation is conditional Available from the trailer.

How to plan the route?

Suggestions for trailers with a trailer can be found on the homeland landscape company website. But since the trip planning should be family-friendly, it is advisable to sit with the children, give them planning tasks for “every day child” and let them plan the trip with you.

Beyond that, there are loads of sites offering different and varied attractions. On the homeland landscape site we offer you different options from a variety of fields, take what suits you.

We recommend not to overload, take in one attraction a day, plan your arrival there, take your time in the morning, without Click, plan the car park for the next evening and it is quite satisfying.

In short, a day of travel should include the following constraints – morning mornings, good coffee, breakfast, caravan therapy, Travel time to attraction, family / personal entertainment, travel time to the next car park, location in the car park before dark …

What season should you travel to?

Our Land of Israel is saturated with sunny days and saturated with a very different geographical route between the north and south.

Our state gives us the option to travel on almost any date of the year! During the warmer days we will rise to the north and bathe in the waters of the Jordan or the Sea of ​​Galilee and in the winter, vows to the desert and enjoy warm days and cool nights around the campfire.

So, it is true that the traditional holiday period is July, August and the holiday period, but we recommend that you arrange for a holiday not during the busy season of The vacations. Take time out, find the most convenient time, book your vacation through the website and go ahead …

The caravans are equipped with high quality cold air conditioner, so that in any weather that suits you, you can adjust your stay conditions accordingly.

Duration of the trip in Israel or what to do here with Caravan?

The popular concept of traveling with a trailer is best suited for long vacations in Europe or the US – wrong in principle.

Long trips are not suitable for children who get bored very quickly from the ride which becomes exhausting and burdensome. The trip in the country is characterized by one to three hours of travel and creating experiences in the parking area. In this way, we give the children the opportunity to get to know different areas of the country, enjoy the local nature trails and attractions and all within a short road time. We recommend that families travel for 14 days on a cross-country route. The “Homeland Landscape” company through the site offers you a very wide range of itineraries with interesting entertainment and experiences throughout the country.

travel a lot or rest?

The purpose of a caravan trip is not to spend time on the roads but to enjoy a leisurely stroll that combines views, attractions and rest. There is no point in making a trip from the east of the country to the west, or from the north of the country to the south for a week, when all the way there is only commuters to reach. On the other hand, there is no point in spending a week in one place, because what is the point of a trailer? The trick is to find the right dose between the time spent on road trips and the time spent on nature, nature walks, attractions, museums and just for rest or strolls.

For those who are limited in time, focus on a smaller radius, travel less and experience more. For those who do not constitute a limitation as on long-term trips, longer trips can be combined. In principle, it is not recommended to travel more than 100 km a day

For the children of us, remember, the trip is not an experience for the children, especially the attractions, staying in one of the KKL-JNF forests, the Komzitz , Corporate games and fire night, are the attractions the kids are looking for.

Do you travel alone or in a group?

Research has shown that Israelis prefer to go out with at least one other family or couple, consider carefully whether you prefer to stay in the same caravan or travel with more Family / couple traveling on their own trailer. This is a personal decision that fits different circumstances for everyone. We recommend that since it is a holiday, do not compromise on your privacy and your family. In the car park, the kids and adults will find a lot of interest in their friends, but at night the story is completely different …

What gear to take with a trailer?

To be arranged we will work according to the recommended holiday equipment list in Krawan.

We will pack kitchen utensils, bathtubs, towels, children’s games, adult books, cheap camping gear outside the trailer and anything we give More fun and comfort on the trip.

The trailer is provided with pillows and bedding for all beds (sheet, pillowcase and pillows).

For infants and children: It is recommended to take a baby stroller / comfortable backpack for trips.

Luggage Yes or No?

The trailer offers a great deal of storage, but not the appropriate luggage storage.

All kitchen items (kitchenware, food) can be stored in the kitchen cabinets, clothing in the wardrobes offered throughout the trailer, games Children etc can be accommodated under the seating area and all camping equipment can be rented from a homeland view company or come with home equipment and stored in the outside storage compartment.

For bicycle arrivals, up to 2 pairs can be stored in some models.

Travel Time Employment

Puzzles, games, books and little ones – casts with music they love, toys and anything that will make them and your home fun and fun.

Clothing: Prefer sporty and comfortable clothing and comfortable walking shoes. It is advisable to take flip-flops or rubber shoes for bathing in public showers. Don’t forget hats and enough socks to change.

Recommended Camping Equipment

All equipment you can order through the homeland landscape site. But if you prefer private gear, then it is not mandatory but nice to have: outdoor lighting that can be connected to a car with an extension cord, headlights for being in the campground in the dark, walkie-talkies are a useful item while traveling in Berbers and for easy communication between family members, GPS- Satellite navigation device, batteries, Pinjean for those who love black coffee on fire, disposable tools, plastic picnic map, aluminum nir, large garbage bags, matches, spices, coffee, tea, powdered soup, tomato paste, oil, aluminum foil, Napkins, toilet paper, moist wipes, disposable barbecue trays.

for kosher keepers

We work with a large audience of kosher keepers, so we do not own kitchenware in Krawan. You can come with the kosher home or disposable utensils, plug in an electric Shabbat plate, and a power outlet company in Krawan.

and enjoy the Queen’s Sabbath outdoors.

Those interested are having caravan parks near synagogues.

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